Happy Weekend
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Happy weekend! Who else has had a bit of a crazy week and ready for a long weekend? Well, if you could see me writing this post you would see that I am raising both hands because it has been quite the long week.
Yes, work has been crazy but phase one of this house renovation has been even crazier....
Shaveworks Pearl Polish
I have said it before on the blog but I will say it over and over again. I am a creature of habit. Once I find something that I like to use, do or wear I tend to be a life long fan. One of the products that I will say that I have never steered away from is my classic Skintimate shave cream. ...
Currently Obsessed: Vince
Lately, I have been really into what I like to call that “California cool laid back style’. There are a lot of brands that fit into this category but one brand that has an entire collection that cohesively fits into this category is Vince. As a long (long) time fan of Vince and the quality and style of the clothing they make, I have to say, their spring collection is so good....