Tag Archives: dallas bloggers


zella top//zella pants//nike shoes//gifted clique phone case//emi-jay hair ties

Nike is the only brand I have ever worn to work out it. No, I am not too much of a freak, it is just a brand that was introduced to me by my dad at a very young age....


Hello Friday

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Oh my goodness gracious it is finally Friday. TGIF. Can you say it with me? This week has been busy to say the least. Filled with lots of fun events, getting to see lots of sweet friends and work of course but I am SO tired. My husband and I always talk about how fast the days and weeks seem to go....


SJP’s Shoe Collection

Like her character Carrie Bradshaw in the show Sex & the City, Sarah Jessica Parker is also a shoe freak. Lucky for all of us she has taken her on screen obsession and turned it into a real life thing. Launching today exclusively at Nordstrom is Sarah Jessica Parkers first ever shoe collection, SJP. For those like myself who associate SJP with her infamous character in SATC you are jumping for joy right now....