Tag Archives: dallas bloggers

Happy Weekend

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Happy Weekend! T.G.I.F…am I right? What a week. Our move got delayed a couple of days due to paint issues so we ended up getting everything moved on Sunday. Needless to say the week has been spent doing paint touch-ups, moving things around, a day trip to Vernon, hanging art and running those ‘new house’ errands (I can’t count how many times I’ve been to Home Depot)....


Home Tour

This post is a little different for me to write because I have never shown formal photos of our house on my blog. I do want to preface in saying that I am the exact opposite of an interior designer but I wanted to share our happy house with you all at least once! I guess they always say better late than never right?...


Lunch with Lulu

Last Friday, along with one of my favorite gal pals Lynsey, we hosted a luncheon for Lisa Salzer of Lulu Frost Jewelry at Neiman Marcus downtown. If you are not familiar with Lulu Frost Jewelry you can just go ahead and thank me for what will be your new found jewelry obsession! Although Lisa Salzer founded Lulu Frost Jewelry in 2004, 2005 was the year that really put her on the map....