Tag Archives: dallas style blogs
I will be the first to admit that I would be a member of the ‘love to lounge club‘ if there were such thing. I will also admit that while I am in lounge mode I am not so chic. I love nothing more than to curl up on the couch in the husbands old Baylor t-shirts with my favorite blanket and just relax....
Weekend Wish List
setTimeout(function() {var transport = new easyXDM.Socket({remote:"http://www.currentlyobsessed.me/api/v1/get_widget?wp=31|Dallas+Wardrobe|37982",container: document.getElementById("rs-shopping-widget-37982"),swf: "http://www.currentlyobsessed.me/js/easyXDM-",onMessage: function(message, origin) {this.container.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].style.width = "100%";this.container.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].style.height = message + "px";var d = parent.document.getElementById("rs-shopping-widget-37982");var d_nested = document.getElementById("rs-intro-loader");if (d_nested) {var throwawayNode = d.removeChild(d_nested)};}});}, 100); ...
Last Week in Instagram
starting from the top left:
excited to announce that I am the new fashion contributor for Grand Luxe Magazine, my <weekend uniform> read the full post here, me + my sweet husband last weekend, a little #tbt [throw back thursday] photo of me and my precious middle sister, fulfilling a little teddy grahams craving I had last week, the beautiful jennifer lawrence at the oscars
<to view more instagram photos click here>