Tag Archives: happy weekend

Happy Weekend

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Happy Friday! Oh my goodness gracious I cannot tell you how many months I have looked forward to this day/weekend. This weekend I am spending the weekend in Miami (yes, this is my third trip here this month..pure conincidence) with girls I have been friends with since I was 8, celebrating one of them getting married!...


Happy Weekend

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Happy Friday. Thank goodness it is the weekend. After quite a long week I could not be more thankful for this weekend. I hope to spend a little time outside and then tomorrow the husband and I have a long list of ‘errands’. Let’s all say it together, yippie. haha. I’m sure you are super concerned but don’t worry they really are not bad errands!...


Happy Weekend

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Happy weekend! Hoorayyyyy, Dallas is finally staring to warm up. Last week we had a snow storm and yesterday (Thursday) it was almost 70 degrees! Such a nice change. Well this week really flew by. Shocking I know. Since I didn’t really update you guys on what all we did and where we ate and drank in Washington D.C....