Tag Archives: happy weekend

Happy Weekend

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Happy Friday! T.G.I.F. Who else is ready for the holidays? A little over a week, Yippie! I cannot tell you how ready I am. I cannot wait to just sleep in, watch movies and snuggle on the couch with the husband. December has been quite a busy month and I am exhausted.

On a lighter note, this is going to be such a fun weekend!...


Happy Weekend

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Happy Friday! Whoah what a week. This week has to be one of the craziest I have had in a long time. The week started out with more work than I could dream..it always seems that a holiday does that. You relax for a few days only to open your computer Monday morning to more e-mails than you could imagine....


Happy Weekend

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T.G.I.F. Happy Friday! I cannot tell you how excited I am that it is FINALLY Friday. This week has been one of the longer weeks I have had in a long time. Lots of work projects & so many e-mails but thankfully the weekend gets to start a little early since this afternoon (Friday) I am headed to Charleston, South Carolina for the very first time to see the city with some of my favorite babes....