Tag Archives: q&A
May Guest Q & A
Last month I did my first ever Guest Q & A (you can click here to read it) and you guys loved reading Wade’s responses. I thought it would be fun to do another Q & A, this one for the month of May. As I was thinking of who would be the perfect guest for the month of May, I immediately thought of one of my best friends Krystal!...
April Guest Q & A
Q & A’s have quickly become my favorite series that I have started on the blog (but really). If this is your first time reading one of my Q & A’s you can read my March Q & A here and my February Q & A here. I wanted to bring a monthly Q & A to the blog to allow you all to get to know me even better....
March Q & A
After having such a positive response to my February Q & A (you can read it here), I wanted to make sure to continue this monthly series in order to let you all get to know me a little better. It is funny to think about but you all really only get to see about 30-60 seconds out of a 24 hour period....