Tag Archives: shopbop

Happy Weekend

Amy Havins wears gray over the knee boots and a green dress.

Happy Friday friends. I hope you all had a wonderful week. Our week was actually really great and for as much as was going on at the house was surprisingly seamless. On Monday we started our kitchen remodel. This remodel has been in the works for months and I cannot tell you how excited I am that it finally started! Hopefully it will not be as painful as phase 1 of our home remodel but I guess time will tell. Since we are without a kitchen for the time being, I ordered a


Baby Havins Is A…

Amy Havins reveals the gender of their first baby.

One of the hardest changes I have had to make since I found out I was pregnant was decreasing my caffeine intake. For me, caffeine is my favorite (specifically coffee). Every morning Wade and I have a cup of coffee together, in the afternoons I always enjoy a little pick-me-up and in the evenings I love making a Wade’s Latte for dessert. Since you actually can have caffeine when you are pregnant, I opt for my normal cup of coffee in the morning with Wade, skip the afternoon cup and then enjoy a decaf Wade’s Latte in the evenings. Wade’s Latte’s have become quite a thing around our house so I thought it would be fun way to incorporate the way I told you guys that WE ARE HAVING A


Seeing Green

In case you haven’t heard, Pantone has just named “Greenery” as the color of 2017. Even though I don’t have a ton of green in my wardrobe, I have to say, I’m loving their pick!