Tag Archives: style pick of the day
Tuesday’s Trend: 4th of July Style
I cannot even believe that it is almost already July! Is time ever going to slow down?
July is one of my favorite months because not only is it my husband (and puppy’s) birthday month but also because I love celebrating the 4th of July. Celebrating always consists of a parade, cooking out with friends, lounging by the pool and then a firework show at night!...
Weekend Wish List
setTimeout(function() {var transport = new easyXDM.Socket({remote:"http://www.currentlyobsessed.me/api/v1/get_widget?wp=31|Dallas+Wardrobe|37982",container: document.getElementById("rs-shopping-widget-37982"),swf: "http://www.currentlyobsessed.me/js/easyXDM-",onMessage: function(message, origin) {this.container.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].style.width = "100%";this.container.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].style.height = message + "px";var d = parent.document.getElementById("rs-shopping-widget-37982");var d_nested = document.getElementById("rs-intro-loader");if (d_nested) {var throwawayNode = d.removeChild(d_nested)};}});}, 100); ...
tees by tina dress//gifted isola sandals//ray ban sunnies//gifted charming charlie bracelets//cartier watch//prada tote
One thing you should know about me is that I love brunching especially on the weekends. Not only is it served until about 3 PM (and usually with generous amounts of champagne) but also all of the people watching that goes along with it....