Tag Archives: texas fashion
Peony + Blush Suede
Peony + Blush Suede, doesn’t that just sound glamorous? Well you are in luck, it actually is. Last week I was invited to the loveliest beauty event at Neiman Marcus. There were 16 of us in a private room upstairs and we were presented (while sipping champagne of course) the latest and greatest beauty trends from some of the top brands at NM....
Lady in Red
Although being the lady in red has never been a bad thing in my book, this fall it is an especially good thing! Red is now the new neutral. Basically red is that color that goes with everything and the the color you need to always pop your outfit with. If for some reason you are feeling weird about being oh-so-radient in red then close your eyes and pretend that red is that neutral color that you always pair with everything and walk out the door!...
Neiman Marcus Trend Event
Last week I had the privilege of hosting the Neiman Marcus Fall Trend’s Event in the new CUSP department at NorthPark! (If you haven’t seen it yet you HAVE to check it out!) I was lucky enough to get to spend the afternoon talking fall trends, sipping champagne and eating wayyy to many cookies!
If you don’t already know every season THE Ken Downing releases his 10 must have trends....