Tag Archives: trends
We have lived in our house exactly 10 months today. As I have learned with everything great things take time. As much as I wish I could snap my fingers and our house would be completely decorated and perfectly accessorized thats just not reality (at least not for me).
About a month ago while the husband and I were reading Baileys blog we were really inspired (especially by the Alligator Alley paint) and we decided to have every room but the office and the guest room painted....
Mad For Plaid
As someone who wore the same plaid 5 days a week for 12 years the second I graduated from High School I swore I would never wear it again. I mean do you blame me for being just a little sick of the print? Well as we all know over time things and opinions can change so after 8 1/2 years of never wearing (or wanting) to wear plaid it is officially back on my radar....