Tag Archives: tuesday’s trend

Happy Labor Day Weekend

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Hooray, it’s finally Friday and that means the three day weekend is officially here! This week has gone by especially slow because not only are we headed to sunny California today but tomorrow is my 27th birthday! Although I am planning on spending the weekend relaxing poolside and soaking up the sun, I am kind of sad that I will be missing all of the amazing (in store) sales....


Running Out of Pages

I cannot even believe that August has almost come to an end. Where does the time go? I am not sure if it is because it is my birthday week or that I am weirdly busy and trying to plan out the fall that I keep looking at the calendar so much. It was just today that I realized there are only a few more months in the year and I am running out of pages....


Birthday Week

Today is the start of a very exciting week…my birthday week! My birthday is this Saturday the 31st and is also Labor Day Weekend and I could not be more thrilled (birthday and a holiday – woohoo). Birthdays are my favorite because it is the only day that I can use (and get away with) my self proclaimed title of Birthday Princess....