Tag Archives: tuesday’s trend

I Heart the Weekend

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Woohoo it’s Friday! Between keeping up with work, getting our entire house painted, picking out fabric and ordering furniture this week has been a little insane to say the least. The husband and I have lived in our house for 10 months now and there are still a few unfinished spaces and things we have been wanting to change....



 I will be the first to admit that I would be a member of the ‘love to lounge club‘ if there were such thing. I will also admit that while I am in lounge mode I am not so chic. I love nothing more than to curl up on the couch in the husbands old Baylor t-shirts with my favorite blanket and just relax....



This weekend in Dallas it finally felt a little bit like fall. I was able to wear sweaters, open the windows and even order an extra hot skinny vanilla latte because I was cold (crazy, right?). One thing that I love to do when the seasons are changing is purchase new scents for our house. While shopping at Nordstrom last week I was in candle scent shopping mode and I came across the Archipelago Botanicals....