Tag Archives: weekend sales

Happy Weekend

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Happy weekend everyone! I wish I could explain to you how happy I am that it’s the weekend again. This week has been, well quite long and I am freaking exhausted. SO tired that as I write this post I am contemplating just closing my computer and going to bed. Don’t worry, I won’t do that because there are just too many good sales right now that I want to make sure and share with you all....


Happy Weekend

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Happy Friday! Who else is excited for the weekend because I am SO ready for the next couple of days.

This week was a bit shorter than usual because last Saturday the husband, one of my sisters and I thought it would be fun to be spontaneous and just jump on a plane and head to Vegas....


Happy Weekend

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Happy weekend! Who else is looking forward to taking the next couple of days to unwind? This week has just flown. Lots of work meetings and so many house related things. Did you see my post on Wednesday? I thought it would be fun to start talking about what we are doing at the house....