Tag Archives: weekend sales

Happy Weekend

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Happy Friday! Yay, another week complete which means that it’s the weekend. This past week was quite busy. One of my best friends had a birthday dinner Tuesday night at Javier’s, Wednesday night was spent celebrating my sweet husbands birthday and last night I hosted the store opening party for the new J.Crew Mercantile (it’s amazing, you have to go check it out) followed by dinner at one of my go-to restaurants, Parigi....


Happy Weekend

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Happy weekend! I am so thankful that today is finally Friday because boy do I need a little break. You know those weeks when you feel like it will be smooth sailing and then it turns out to be the busiest week of the summer? Well, that is exactly what happened to me this week....


Happy Weekend

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Happy weekend! Thank goodness this day is finally here. I cannot even begin to tell you what a long week it has been. Endless e-mails, work related things and just life in general. This girl is TIRED. I think all of the traveling/no sleep/weddings have finally caught up to me because I am having the hardest time keeping my eyes open!...