Tag Archives: weekend sales

Happy Weekend

Amy Havins shares photos of her dining room in her house.

Happy weekend friends! How is it already the 6th of October? I don’t know how things are for you but time is really flying by me. In just a few days baby Ralph will already be 3 months old! It feels like just yesterday we were in the hospital!

This week has been a bit hectic to say the least....


Happy Weekend

Amy Havins shares newborn photos of Ralph Havins.

Happy weekend friends. I cannot believe that it is already the middle of August. I keep asking myself where on earth the time has gone but then I remember it has been filled with snuggles, diapers, feedings and naps! It has been a whirlwind of a month but I would not change a single thing. I loved the first few weeks with Baby Ralph but now that he is 5 1/2 weeks old it’s getting more and more fun each day....


Happy Weekend

Happiest weekend friends! I just want to start this post by apologizing for the slow week that I had on the blog. Full disclosure, it’s been a beating of a week. We have been trying to wrap up the kitchen, have been dealing with other things around the house, I’ve been overwhelmed with e-mails and on top of all of that the tiredness that I experienced during my first trimester is slowly creeping back. It’s so weird, the two weeks I