Tag Archives: work out

Why I chose to Workout Throughout my Pregnancy

Amy Havins shares her favorite work out gear and her current work out routine.

Throughout my pregnancy I got asked quite a bit about my work out routine. Readers wanted to know what I was doing, how I was doing it and why I cared so much. For me, working out has always been the biggest stress reliever, so I really needed it that much more during my pregnancy.

I have mentioned this before but prior to my pregnancy, I took spin classes with a girl named Mandy....


Work Out Wardrobe

Amy Havins shares her favorite fitness attire.

I am not going to lie, throughout my pregnancy I bought more than I thought I would. It was just nice to have blouses and dresses that were not only ‘new’ to wear but would fit my changing body. One thing that I did not purchase was work out gear.


Mixing It Up


In January when I announced that I was pregnant, I also mentioned what my current work out routine was. Upon finding out we were expecting, I made a promise to myself to keep up with my work-outs as long as I could. My work outs have consisted of running outdoors, spin, yoga and working out with a trainer once a week. I have really tried to mix it up, to keep it fresh and not get too boring!

Now that I am 30 weeks (so crazy), I am still happy (and so thankful) to say that I am able to continue my regular work out schedule.